Wednesday 9 March 2011

Remember this..

YOU are Beautiful.
Girls, it's so important to remember- in this world of celebrity, models and the vanity that surrounds us, that we are ALL beautiful.
Not because of your model-like body, your celebrity wardrobe, your hair extensions, your fake nails, your fake tan or your eyelash extensions;
but because the REAL you, the one inside, the one that feels for people, wants to help people who are hurting, cares about the world- is beautiful.
Beauty isn't just about what's on the outside, beauty is also that little light of goodness that gleams through you and shares with the world what a wonderful, unique, beautiful person YOU ARE. How many times have you known someone or even heard of someone that's gorgeous on the outside but there insides put you off them because they weren't a GOOD person.
looks aren't everything; who you ARE is what matters.

So don't get caught up in the passing fads and what's in or out, always stay true to your core- and remember, no matter what, you ARE BEAUTIFUL because you are good.

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